Everyone in Northern Ireland with symptoms of COVID-19 is eligible for a free test. If you’re not sure if you have symptoms, you can check using the COVID-19 symptom checker (https://check.covid-19.hscni.net/).
You should get tested in the first 3 days of coronavirus symptoms starting.
You should also get tested if you have been identified as a close contact by the PHA Contact Tracing Service or the StopCOVID NI app.
To clarify:
- You should get a test if you have symptoms. If the test result is negative you can now leave your house as long as no one else in your house has developed symptoms of COVID-19.
- You should get a test if you have been identified as a close contact by the PHA Contact Tracing Service or the StopCOVID NI app REGARDLESS of if you have symptoms or not. If the test result is negative you must continue to complete 10 full days self-isolation.